Skin Diseases - Skin diseases discussed here is a skin disease that is not dangerous or in other words meaning it will not bring adverse effects to the survival of people affected by the disease, but tends more to the feeling of itching experienced by the patient or may also barakibat taste shy or less confident.
Here are some types of skin disease dimaksutkan, as well as will be discussed also how to prevent it.
1. Scabies
Scabies is a contagious skin disease, this disease in scientific language is called scabies, had symptoms of itching, and itching will be more of the night. Often appear in places such as damp in the body, hands, armpits, buttocks, groin and terkang in celang fingers or toes.
How Prevention of scurvy can be done by washing sperai beds, towels and clothing worn yan in 2 days with warm water and detergent.
2. Ringworm
Disease Ringworm is a contagious skin disease caused by the function. Ringworm symptoms began to be recognized when there is a small Baian rough on the skin and surrounded by a pink circle. Ringworm can be prevented by washing hands is perfect, body hygiene, and avoid contact with patients.
Ringworm can be treated with anti-fungal containing Mikonazol and kloritomazol properly can eliminate the infection.
3. Panau
Panau or Panu is one of skin disease caused by fungus. Panau disease marked by patches found on the skin accompanied by intense itching when sweating. These patches can be white, brown or red depending on the color of the skin of the patient.Panau most often found in young teens. Even so panau also be found in people aged older.
How Panau skin disease prevention can be done by keeping the skin clean, and can be treated with antifungal drugs on the market, and can also be treated with traditional drugs like betel leaves mixed with whiting and dioleh on the affected skin Panau.

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